3-D Acrylic Chandeliers Bring a Splash of Color and Whimsy
Acrylic sealife: The Octopus chandelier by Nicole Ketchum
By Seattle Mag February 25, 2014

This article originally appeared in the March 2014 issue of Seattle magazine.
!–paging_filter–pA job interview for a product designer job at Michaels craft store back in 2011 was the impetus for Nicole Ketchum’s new and clever endeavor, Chandelier by Nicole Ketchum (a href=”http://www.chandelierbynk.com” target=”_blank”chandelierbynk.com/a). “[Michaels] wanted us to come up with a 3-D product for Halloween,” says the Shoreline-based surface pattern and product designer. “I did not get the job, but came away with the idea of the chandelier.” After two years of prototyping, Ketchum, her husband, Andrew, and her sister, Jenna Thorn, launched three light-free chandeliers in the fall of 2013. The Octopus (left, $169), Fancy ($189) and Raven ($150) come in a rainbow of saturated colors from pink to royal blue to gray and black. Each chandelier is cut to order out of a piece of U.S.-made acrylic and comes flat and ready to assemble. They work best where color is called for or a statement is needed, Ketchum says. “But best would be somewhere where it can catch some light. They cast shadows and act like a mirror when the light hits it right.”/p