David Gladish

An Inside Outside Plan

An Inside Outside Plan

Five ways to camp this summer

Summer is the best time to go camping in the Pacific Northwest. The endless blue skies, sunny days, and perfect temperatures, combined with an amazing variety of places to discover, make it easy to get out the door and explore. Figuring out the ultimate setup for sleeping, cooking, storing gear, and traveling while camping can…

How to start the perfect fire

How to start the perfect fire

Make a deeper connection with nature by building a beautiful blaze

Blue and yellow flames burst haphazardly out of the dark, dancing like lightning bugs on a crystal-clear summer’s night. Sparks shoot over my head; the crackle and pop of the fire at my feet is a symphony orchestrated just for me. The power of fire is innate, part of our DNA since the beginning of…

Book: Revel in the Natural World

Book: Revel in the Natural World

Enjoy a wild year outdoors with Lauren Braden's book, '52 Ways to Nature: Washington'

What do forest bathing, storm watching, geocaching, fungi foraging, and razor clamming have in common? These are just a few of the multitude of outdoor activities described in Lauren Braden’s new book, 52 Ways to Nature: Washington: Your Seasonal Guide to a Wilder Year. This book, published by nonprofit outdoor community The Mountaineers last spring,…

Seattle Avalanche Center Keeps an Eye on Hazards

Seattle Avalanche Center Keeps an Eye on Hazards

Avalanche forecasting is a blend of science and art

A mass of heavy snow slides down a 40-degree mountain slope, hissing as it gains speed and momentum. The concrete-like mix comes to a slow stop along Highway 2 near Stevens Pass, completely blocking the road from vehicular traffic and knocking over large Douglas fir trees, upturning boulders and causing destruction in its wake.  For…

Explore Washington State's Outdoor Treks

Explore Washington State’s Outdoor Treks

Explore These Backcountry Treks This Winter

November in Seattle means you can count on a few things; Seahawks games, the start of holiday gatherings and rain. The long days of summer, with perfect weather that makes living in this region so worth it, are long behind us. Darkness has set in. Wetness has enveloped our city. It’s easy to get the…

Why This Tiny Cottage in Shoreline Works For a Family of Four

Why This Tiny Cottage in Shoreline Works For a Family of Four

Why our tiny house makes sense

We live in a world full of hacks, loopholes and workarounds that often lead to more work and dead ends. When my wife, Kristy, and I discovered a way to live mortgage free, it seemed too good to be true. There had to be a catch. Six years later, we are still living out that…

Foraging For Food

Foraging For Food

How to find many things of the sea

Oysters can be found throughout the state’s coastal communities.

Five Backcountry Adventures

Five Backcountry Adventures

The backcountry ski season in Washington can last well into April

The rhythmic kick glide of skis on fresh early morning snow provides a beat against my pounding heart. Dawn breaks as I climb up the slope, the sound of semitrucks and commuter traffic roaring below me. I quicken my stride to crest the mountain top, hurrying to get one more lap before I’m off to…

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