Rachel Hart

Your PNW Summer Bucket List Is Waiting

Your PNW Summer Bucket List Is Waiting

This month's editor's note from Rachel Hart

This article appears in print in the June 2019 issue. Click here to subscribe. I met a guy during my sophomore year in college who was from Athens, Greece, but had never been to the Acropolis. I was incredulous—he said it was too much of a tourist attraction. But after driving around Seattle every day and seeing…

Local Corporations Build a Sense of Community With Employees

Local Corporations Build a Sense of Community With Employees

This month's Editor's Note from Rachel Hart

This article appears in print in the May 2019 issue. Click here to subscribe. About 16 years ago I was planning a baby shower for my dear friend Erica, and we thought it would be fun to have a tarot card reader at the party. This was years before tarot card readers were at all the parties, so…

Seattle's Beauty Scene Is More Than Skin Deep

Seattle’s Beauty Scene Is More Than Skin Deep

This month's Editor's Note from Rachel Hart

This article appears in print in the April 2019 issue. Click here to subscribe. It feels a little brazen (and maybe a bit reckless?) to put out an issue with a cover highlighting a beauty feature in 2019, when standards of beauty are so fluid. How is it measured? And who exactly is judging? The wonderful thing…

From the Viaduct to Link Light Rail, Seattle Continues to Change

From the Viaduct to Link Light Rail, Seattle Continues to Change

This month's Editor's Note from Rachel Hart

This article appears in print in the March 2019 issue. Click here to subscribe. As our city begins to undergo one of the most epic physical changes that’s likely to occur during most of our lifetimes—the teardown of the Viaduct and the development of a new waterfront downtown—it’s only fitting that our annual best neighborhoods issue focuses on a…

Seattle’s Food Scene Is at Your Fingertips

Seattle’s Food Scene Is at Your Fingertips

This month's Editor's Note from Rachel Hart

The short rib pho at Pho Bac Sup Shop is one of our favorites

Seattle's Home Design Experts Help You See Your Space in a New Light

Seattle’s Home Design Experts Help You See Your Space in a New Light

This month's Editor's Note from Rachel Hart

This article appears in print in the January 2019 issue. Click here to subscribe. When I was a kid, my parents always told me that I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up, but that simply wasn’t true. They were (and still are) awesome, encouraging parents, but I completely lack the skills to cut hair…

Zero Waste Living Is Not so Far-Fetched in Seattle

Zero Waste Living Is Not so Far-Fetched in Seattle

This month's Editor's Note from Rachel Hart

GARBAGE GOALS: Seattle’s rock star zero wasters, like my neighbor Deb Seymour, can fit a month’s worth of trash in containers like these

Key Lessons from the 2018 Most Influential People of the Year

Key Lessons from the 2018 Most Influential People of the Year

This month's Editor's Note from Rachel Hart

This article appears in print in the November 2018 issue. Click here to subscribe. The single most sobering moment of parenthood I’ve experienced since, of course, the day my first son was born, was when he started driver’s education last year. Parents/guardians were required to attend the first class with students, and the first words out of the instructor’s…

The Music of the Night: In Praise of Seattle’s Musical Theater —and Its Fans

The Music of the Night: In Praise of Seattle’s Musical Theater —and Its Fans

Broadway chestnuts Phantom of the Opera and Les Miz have made the rounds in Seattle, but fans can look forward to a fun crop of Broadway touring shows this fall

To paraphrase the tagline of one of my favorite local advertising campaigns ever (the brilliant Pemco ads of 2007), Seattle musical theater nerds, you’re one of us. You fill the Paramount to the rafters when The Sound of Music (The You-Can-See-It-At-Any-High-School-Now Sound of Music, people!) comes around on tour. You wait in line at the…

Seattle Is for Beer Lovers

Seattle Is for Beer Lovers

This month's Editor's Note from Rachel Hart

This article appears in print in the July 2018 issue. Click here to subscribe. I most definitely picked the wrong time in Seattle history to cut back on carbs. It’s hard enough to take only a bite or two (instead of my customary one piece—OK, two) of that shatteringly gorgeous crusty artisanal bread set in front of me…

With the Help of Bike Share, Ballard High School Students Pull an Awesome Senior Prank

With the Help of Bike Share, Ballard High School Students Pull an Awesome Senior Prank

The school parking lot was filled with Lime Bike and Ofo bicycles

As a parent of two teenage boys, the last few weeks of the school year is like a slow, torturous, drip of a march to the end with finals, concerts, awards programs, last day parties and potlucks and signup genius lists to volunteer for this that and the other. So when I pulled in today…

Seattle Is Closer to More Wilderness Areas Than Any Large U.S. City

Seattle Is Closer to More Wilderness Areas Than Any Large U.S. City

This month's Editor's Note from Rachel Hart

Efforts are being made to threaten these spaces, so it’s more important than ever to protect them.

Showcasing the Best of the Seattle Suburbs

Showcasing the Best of the Seattle Suburbs

This month's Editor's Note from Rachel Hart.

This article appears in print in the March 2018 issue, as part of the “Best of the Burbs” cover story. Click here for the rest of the story. My love of big cities is undoubtedly a direct response to growing up in a small one. Racine, Wisconsin, had a lot going for it back in the ’80s…

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