Virginia Smyth

Follow I-90 for a Luxe Winter Getaway, From the Salish Lodge to Suncadia

Follow I-90 for a Luxe Winter Getaway, From the Salish Lodge to Suncadia

A jaunt west to east along this highway packs plenty of options for a long winter weekend of luxe fun

The Salish’s Club 268 takes its name from the height of Snoqualmie Falls

Green Lake's Annual Pathway of Lights Takes to the Sky

Green Lake’s Annual Pathway of Lights Takes to the Sky

Big balloons add to the spirit of the annual event

FOLLOW THE LIGHT: Be warmed and enchanted by the luminarias and hot air balloons that illuminate the night during the Green Lake Pathway of Light

Palihotel Seattle Adds a New Kind of Cool to the City's Accommodation Explosion

Palihotel Seattle Adds a New Kind of Cool to the City’s Accommodation Explosion

The hotel décor nods to a bygone era when life was simpler, more congenial and just more fun

With new hotels popping up on almost every corner of Seattle, it’s becoming more challenging to stand out from the crowd. But the new boutique Palihotel Seattle (the first foray outside of Los Angeles of this growing hotel brand), at the corner of Pine and First, makes an impression you won’t soon forget. Hotel promoters…

Seattle’s Most Influential People of the Year 2018

Seattle’s Most Influential People of the Year 2018

We're raising a glass to those working to make this a better place— our 2018 Most Influential People of the Year

This article appears in print in the November 2018 issue, as part of the Most Influential People of the Year feature. Click here to subscribe. There are plenty of reasons to bemoan the past 12 months: More and more people sleeping on sidewalks and in homeless camps. Ever-worsening traffic. Sky-high housing prices. A never-ending string of #MeToo revelations. Ongoing gun…

Seattle’s Most Influential People 2018: UW Psychology Professor, Dr. Kristina Olson

Seattle’s Most Influential People 2018: UW Psychology Professor, Dr. Kristina Olson

The gender researcher is the brains behind the groundbreaking TransYouth Project

Kristina Olson in her Social Cognitive Development Lab at the University of Washington

Which Seattle Neighborhoods Are Seeing the Biggest Changes in Home Values?

Which Seattle Neighborhoods Are Seeing the Biggest Changes in Home Values?

Zillow gives us the future forecast on where Seattle's neighborhoods are heading

This article appears in print in the March 2018 issue, as part of the “Best of the Burbs” cover story. Click here for the rest of the story. We’d all like to know where the hot home deals are today—in other words, where we can buy today and have some assurance that our home value will grow….

Winemaker Charles Smith’s Leschi Home Is One For the Ages

Winemaker Charles Smith’s Leschi Home Is One For the Ages

Scandinavian influence makes its way through this home on Lake Washington

Charles Smith and daughter Charlotte cozy up on the expansive sectional in the main living area. A big change he made to this space was removing a glass ceiling in the dining room—“It made the room seem vast,” Smith says—and replacing accordian doors that

The Most Influential Seattleites of 2017

The Most Influential Seattleites of 2017

The activists, artists, officials and neighbors making Seattle a better place.

More than 100,000 people participated in the Womxn’s March on Seattle this spring.

Person of the Year 2017: The Unexpected Activist

Person of the Year 2017: The Unexpected Activist

Seattle Magazine presents the Most Influential Seattleites of 2017.

It’s been a year in which locals have taken to the streets time and time again—so frequently that barely a week or weekend has gone by without a protest, march or event spilling into Seattle streets and filling public spaces. From anti-Trump and pro-Trump rallies to Block the Bunker events, immigration rights walks, a tax…

Most Influential Seattleites of 2017: C. Davida Ingram

Most Influential Seattleites of 2017: C. Davida Ingram

Seattle Magazine presents the Most Influential Seattleites of 2017.

C. Davida Ingram, who leads the library’s civic engagement programs, inside the Central Library “living room.”

Most Influential Seattleites of 2017: Ben Franz-Knight

Most Influential Seattleites of 2017: Ben Franz-Knight

Seattle Magazine presents the Most Influential Seattleites of 2017.

Ben Franz-Knight in the plaza area of the Pike Place MarketFront expansion.

6 Gorgeous Fall Road Trips in the Pacific Northwest

6 Gorgeous Fall Road Trips in the Pacific Northwest

Gas up the Subaru and hit the road on these epic Northwest adventures.

Pack your gear and explore our region, from mountains to Sound and beyond.

Seattle Doctor Reveals the Secrets to Aging Well

Seattle Doctor Reveals the Secrets to Aging Well

In his new book, Eric Larson shows how to age well without a pill.

Eric Larson is bully on aging. Larson, a Seattle-based physician and aging expert at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, says a better old age is within reach for many of us, and not because of some antiaging pill. Instead, Larson says, his research has taught him that resilience—which he defines as “the capacity to…

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