Entertaining with a Northwest-Style Table
Greens go with gold this festive season
By Kelley Moore November 6, 2013

This article originally appeared in the November 2013 issue of Seattle magazine.
!–paging_filter–pHaving recently returned to the Pacificnbsp;Northwest after a few years spent innbsp;that sunnier state to our south, I havenbsp;a renewed appreciation for our region’snbsp;landscape. Merely stepping outdoors presents us with an inspiringly variednbsp;palette, not to mention a plethoranbsp;of natural elements (pussy willows tonbsp;pine cones) that we can bring indoorsnbsp;as adornments for our design schemes. And once fall is upon us, it’s so easy tonbsp;get in the holiday mood, and to startnbsp;dreaming up that just-right seasonalnbsp;spread to welcome our friends andnbsp;family to the table./p
pThe nice thing about this tabletop creation is that it can serve for Thanksgiving,nbsp;Christmas, Hanukah and New Year’s celebrations. And while it might look complicated,nbsp;it actually takes little time to fashion (a big plus during the time-strappednbsp;holidays). The moss covers even a large surface lushly and quickly; popping in a few vintage candlesticks brings in that classic, cozy holiday glow; and then, it’s justnbsp;a matter of placing a few favorite holiday accents and your Northwest table will benbsp;festively set.nbsp;brnbsp;bremKelley Moore (a href=”http://kelleylmoore.net“kelleylmoore.net/a) is a Seattle-based entertaining specialist/em/p
pemspanGold adds instant glam to any table, and you can use all of these gold accents through the entire holiday season. strongChilewich placemats/strong, $10 each, a href=”http://stuhlbergs.com“Stuhlbergs /a(Queen Anne, 1801 Queen Anne Ave. N; 206.352.2351; stuhlbergs.com);nbsp;strongg/strongstrongold charger/strong, rental fee $3.25 each, gold linen hemstitch napkin, rental fee $3.50 each,nbsp;a href=”http://choicelinens.com“Choice Linens/a (Georgetown, 4700 Ohio Ave. S, Suite E; 206.728.7731; choicelinens.com); strongO/strongstrongrganic Shaped dinner ware,/strong metallic rimmed, $24–$40, stemless gstrongold-rimmed glasses/strong,strong /strong$23 for a set of four, and place cards, a href=”http://westelm.com“West Elm/a (South Lake Union,2201 Westlake Ave.; 206.467.5798; westelm.com); strongv/strongstrongintage frames/strong, $75–$295, stronggreen red-wine glasses/strong, $12 each, a href=”http://susanwheelerhome.1stdibs.com“Susan Wheeler Home/a (Georgetown, 5515 Airport Way S; 360.402.5080; susanwheelerhome.1stdibs.com); strongv/strongstrongintage gold-rimmed wine glasses/strong,strongnbsp;/strong$350 for a set of 12, a href=”http://pacgal.com“Pacific Galleries/a (SoDo, 241 S Lander St., 206.292.3999; pacgal.com); strongv/strongstrongintage flatware/strong, $12 per piece, a href=”http://watsonkennedy.com“Watson Kennedy Fine Home/a (Downtown, 1022 First Ave., 206.652.8350, watsonkennedy.com); andnbsp;strongfloral arrangements/strong, $40–$85, table runner, moss, a href=”http://fleurish.com“Fleurish/a (by appointment, Capitol Hill, 1308 E Union St.; 206.322.1602; fleurish.com)/span/em/p
pimg src=”/sites/default/files/newfiles/0414_nwhomeold.jpg” style=”vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px;” height=”600″ width=”400″/p
pemspanemPlacing individual dessertsnbsp;on pedestals gives guests somethingnbsp;sweet to look forward to.nbsp;strongLemon tart/strong,nbsp;a href=”http://honorebakery.com“Honoré Artisan Bakerynbsp;/a(Ballard, 1413 NWnbsp;70th St.; 206.706.4035; honorebakery.com), Decor Bon Bon Huestrongnbsp;beaded miniaturenbsp;pedestal/strong, $18 each,nbsp;a href=”http://rosannainc.com“Rosanna Inc./a,nbsp;(206.204.0588; rosannainc.com),/em/span/ememnbsp;strongVintage brass candlesticks/strong,nbsp;$195–$245, Watson Kennedy, and Hurricanenbsp;terrarium, $150, a href=”http://leobjects.com“Le Objects for the Home/anbsp;(Georgetown, 1226 S Bailey; 206.604.4958;nbsp;leobjects.com). Anbsp;strongDIYnbsp;Champagne bar/strongnbsp;invites guestsnbsp;to mix up their own Champagnenbsp;cocktails. Simply place flutes onnbsp;a silver tray and add sugar cubes,nbsp;bitters and berries to complete thenbsp;look. emstrongVintage candelabra/strong,nbsp;$250, Pacific Galleries,nbsp;/emstrongVintage silver tray/strong, $20–$250,nbsp;Le Objects for the Home,nbsp;strongLuxenbsp;Moderne flutes/strong, $72 set of four,nbsp;strongmedium trophy bowl/strong, $30, strongsmallnbsp;trophy bowl/strong, $26, Rosanna Inc., andnbsp;strongFloral arrangement /strongin small trophynbsp;bowl, Fleurishnbsp;/em/p
pemimg src=”/sites/default/files/newfiles/0414_nwhomeold2.jpg” style=”vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px;” height=”600″ width=”400″br/em/p