Food & Drink

Seattle Coffee Guide: Locally Roasted Beans

The bean has arrived. Once a mere commodity, coffee beans in the past decade or so have been treated

The bean has arrived. Once a mere commodity, coffee beans in the past decade or so have been treated like wine grapes—coddled, encouraged and coaxed into their full potential. Now, more than ever, the coffee bean’s pedigree is everything.  As with many culinary offshoots, the coffee world has adopted the term “terroir”—the special characteristics of…

Urban Safari: Madrona

A peaceful hilltop neighborhood nestled between Lake Washington and the Central District

 This peaceful hilltop neighborhood nestled between Lake Washington and the Central District is best known for local faves such as the Hi Spot (killer breakfasts), St. Clouds (delicious all day long) and the Madrona Ale House (as popular with kids as with grownups). But several new shops and restaurants along 34th Avenue between Pike and…

Hot Button: Checks and Balance

Banks are getting out of the business of forcing overdraft protection on their customers. Will that

Checks and BalanceThanks to a particular high-volume coffee retailer and a piece of plastic that eliminates the need to fumble for cash, the morning latte that Seattle made famous has gone from luxury indulgence to routine convenience. But is that convenient indulgence worth the $35 you could end up paying for it? The “$35 latte”…

Restaurant Review: Seattle’s Best Teriyaki

So, The New York Times thinks teriyaki spots constitute quintessential Seattle dining? Fine. Here

“I never eat teriyaki.” This is the food equivalent of the common Seattle “I don’t own a TV” mating call. Well, I would never miss Gossip Girl, and I eat teriyaki. Unironically. (OK, I’m not sure how you eat lunch ironically, but I know people who could pull it off.) When John T. Edge called…

Summer Guide 2010: Georgetown

The resurgence of Georgetown is a success story that other neighborhoods would love to duplicate, an

Category: teaser headlines   The resurgence of Georgetown is a success story that other neighborhoods would love to duplicate, and while the industrial vibe might not seem to lend itself to lighthearted summer revelry, in reality, the gritty streets bring plenty in the way of sunny pleasures. Tour the GroundsAs part of Georgetown’s centennial…

The Gates Foundation: Portal to Opportunities

More than a visual reminder of its altruism, the Gates Foundation’s new campus may do for Seattle w

Bright copper skin shines along the sweeping arm of a building on the new Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation campus at the edge of Seattle Center. The brilliant surface seems to reflect the weight of world hopes and of distinctly regional ambitions. For as the largest charitable foundation in the world gives away about $3…

Seattle Coffee Guide: Seattle Coffee Shops

Given the throngs of people filling Seattle’s countless coffee shops morning, noon and night, it’s a

Given the throngs of people filling Seattle’s countless coffee shops morning, noon and night, it’s a wonder any of the city’s office buildings are occupied at all. The phenomenon speaks to our sincere love of java, but also our fervent belief in the essential “third place” between work and home.   The Independents Shops: Given the…

Hot Button: Will Rossi Resuscitate the state GOP?

While many wonder if Dino Rossi is the Grand Old Party pooper, state Republicans are counting on him

Category: teaser headlines   State Republicans to watch Rob McKenna: Washington’s attorney general, McKenna is very smart and very ambitious. He’s a plainspoken policy wonk, has a base of support in the Democrats’ stronghold of King County, and has already won statewide office. He is the early favorite to win the 2012 governor’s race. Reagan Dunn:…

Governing: Money For Nothing

As King County contemplates a catastrophic budget shortfall, voters in November may not have to worr

Money For NothingPoliticians like to joke that people want two things from government: fewer taxes and more services. In the coming years, the joke is going to be on the people as that old saw is reversed: Government will tax more and cut back on what it provides. The Great Recession has battered tax revenues,…

Food We Love: Queen of Banana

Royal Flush

There is no food I crave more than the vibrant fare at Noodle Boat Thai Cuisine (Issaquah, 700 NW Gilman Blvd.; 425.391.8096; This humble restaurant is run by a family whose devotion to quality includes a six-week working vacation in Thailand each year to produce the authentic, hellishly hot chile paste that finds its…

Summer Guide 2010: South Lake Union & Eastlake

With its ongoing construction (and a major Mercer Street overhaul set to begin this summer), South L

With its ongoing construction (and a major Mercer Street overhaul set to begin this summer), South Lake Union still feels as if it’s in its infancy. But as summer events attest, this baby is ready to party. South Lake UnionCruise the LakeSeeking nautical adventure on South Lake Union? You have your choice of two distinct…

Lifestyle: Desktop Storage Solutions

Lifestyle: Desktop Storage Solutions

Kelley Moore goes back to school in style with simple storage solutions for little scholars

Between the math assignments, art supplies and ever-mounting piles (backpack, sweatshirt, soccer cleats—wait, what is that green thing?), it can be tricky enough to organize your kids, let alone your entire home. In the spirit of students going back to school, I created a homework-ready desk with a few stylish, savvy ideas to aid busy…

Seattle Coffee Guide: What the Locals Order

We asked some of our city's celebs to reveal their morning-coffee rituals. Here's what they told us.

P Smoov, Hip hop artist with Mad Rad and Fresh Espresso Quad shot Americano with soy milk, preferably at Caffé Vita, but he’ll go anywhere that has cute, flirtatious baristas.   Linda Derschang, Queen of clubsCappuccino, straight up Jesse Jones, KING 5 News consumer reporterHomemade (by his wife) double-shot caramel latte using Fidalgo Bay coffee Rick…

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