April 2019

Q&A: Top Doctor Humera Ali Says Healthy Diets and Self Care Are Key to Heart Health
One of this year's top doctors shares insight on the difference between caring for men and women in cardiology
BEAT WATCH: We can all help our heart health by improving our diet, getting exercise and reducing stress, says cardiologist Dr. Humera Ali

Q&A: Seattle Top Doctor Heidi Gray Shares Insights Into the World of Women’s Cancer Care
One of Seattle's top doctors shares insight on being part of the team that led to the approval of a new therapy
WOMEN'S WORK: Dr. Heidi Gray pioneered a post-op program for patients with gynecologic cancers that’s helping them recover more quickly, needing less time in the hospital

Q&A: Top Doctor Tony Huynh Helps People See the Path to Eye Health
One of Seattle's top doctors shares insight on the patient behavior he wishes he could change
SEEING CLEARLY: The impact of some serious eye diseases, like diabetic retinopathy, can be minimized with early detection, says ophthamologist Dr. Tony Huynh

Seattle Paves the Way in Telemedicine
Innovations in telemedicine continue to evolve, letting patients skip the commute and the waiting room
This article appears in print in the April 2019 issue, as part of the Top Doctors cover story. Click here to subscribe. For most weeks during the past several years, Cindy Kahler and her daughter Hadassah, now 10, spent from six to seven hours on the road traveling from their home in Cashmere to a one-hour appointment with the specialists…