February 2016
Top Doctors 2016: Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Ray C. Hsiao, M.D., substance abuse, depression; Seattle Children’s Hospital, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, 206.987.2164; Seattle Children’s; Northwestern University, 2000 Zsolt A. Lorant,* M.D., behavioral disorders; The Everett Clinic, Behavioral Health, 15418 Main St., Suite 303A, Mill Creek, 425.339.5453; Providence Regional Medical Center; Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Medical University Hungary, 1994 Carol M. Rockhill, M.D.,…
Top Doctors 2016: Psychiatry
Jesse R. Fann, M.D., psychiatry in physical illness/cancer, neuro-psychiatry, depression; Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, 825 Eastlake Ave. E, Seattle, 206.288.1024; UW Medical Center, Harborview Medical Center; Northwestern University, 1989 Marty H. Hoiness, M.D., anxiety and depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and bipolar/mood disorders, ADD/ADHD; Virginia Mason Medical Center, Psychiatry, Metropolitan Park West, 1100 Olive Way, Seattle, 206.223.6762;…
Top Doctors 2016: Plastic Surgery
Kevin M. Beshlian, M.D., breast reconstruction, skin cancer, facial trauma; Polyclinic, Plastic Surgery, 1229 Madison St., Suite 1600, Seattle, 206.860.5582; Swedish Medical Center–First Hill; University of Virginia, 1982 Joseph Gruss, M.D., maxillofacial and craniofacial surgery, facial trauma/fractures, cleft palate/lip; Seattle Children’s Hospital, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, 206.987.2759; Seattle Children’s, Harborview Medical Center; University…
Top Doctors 2016: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Susan D. Apkon, M.D., cerebral palsy, brain injury rehabilitation, pediatric neuromuscular disorders; Seattle Children’s Hospital, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, 206.987.2114; Seattle Children’s, UW Medical Center; University of Vermont, 1994 Thomas B. Curtis, M.D., neuromuscular disorders, pain management, spinal pain; Virginia Mason Medical Center, Rehabilitation Medicine, 1100 Ninth Ave., Seattle, 206.223.6746; Virginia Mason; Medical…
Top Doctors 2016: Pediatrics
Matthew Allen, M.D., neonatal care, adolescent medicine, ADD/ADHD; Ballard Pediatric Clinic, 7554 15th Ave. NW, Seattle, 206.783.9300; Seattle Children’s Hospital; University of Washington, 1998 Steven J. Anderson, M.D., pediatric sports medicine; Orthopedic Physician Associates, 3216 NE 45th Place, Suite 304, Seattle, 206.523.1422; Swedish Medical Center–First Hill; University of Washington, 1980 Julia Bledsoe, M.D., adoption medicine;…

Doctor Spotlight 2016: Sarah Dick, M.D.
Top Doc in dermatology, Madrona Dermatology
You’re a Seattle native. What motivated you to return to the area after medical school on the East Coast? I love the Northwest, it is my home. I went to the East Coast to get an excellent medical education and outstanding dermatology training; however, I always knew I would return home to the Northwest. I…

Doctor Spotlight 2016: Marko Yakovlevitch, M.D.
Top Doc in cardiovascular disease, Summit Cardiology
You list preventive cardiology as an area of expertise. What does this mean? Preventive cardiology is simply decreasing a person’s likelihood of having an adverse cardiac event such as a heart attack, stroke or cardiac arrest. However, like many things having to do with people and human biology, this is more complicated than it seems….

Doctor Spotlight 2016: John Corman, M.D.
Top Doc in urology, Virginia Mason
What do you like most about the field of urology? Urology offers the most compelling aspects of medicine. I love working with the patient population that we see in urology. Since the majority of patients I see are battling cancer (or have concerns regarding cancer), I take care of patients who are at their most…

Doctor Spotlight 2016: Jane Dimer, M.D.
Top Doc in obstetrics and gynecology, Group Health
Why did you decide to go into the women’s health care field? I fell in love with the field of women’s health because of the broad spectrum of obstetrics and gynecology that included everything from urgent surgery to preventative care, from teens to mature women. As my career continues to unfold, my love for obstetrics…

The Number One Reason We Head to the ER and Why It’s a Problem
If it’s not an emergency, head for an urgent care clinic
Do you pop an aspirin for a headache or run straight to the emergency room? Where do you go when you have a cold? According to the Washington Health Alliance, headaches are the number-one reason Puget Sound-area residents visit the ER. And a 2015 study by the alliance reports that there are more visits to…
Top Doctors 2016: Survey Methodology
Seattle magazine’s Top Doctors 2016 list was created in collaboration with Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., a health care research and information company founded in 1992 by a former medical college board chair and president to help guide consumers to America’s top doctors and top hospitals. Castle Connolly’s established survey and research process, under the direction…

Why Concierge Care is Becoming More Popular in Seattle
The popularity of concierge care in Seattle is growing. But it doesn’t come cheap
How well do you know your doctor? With today’s primary care physicians juggling thousands of patients—the national average is 2,300—you’re lucky to get 15 minutes of face time at your annual checkup. That is, unless you pay a fee to a concierge medicine service for round-the-clock, personalized primary care. Those who pony up will see…