February 2016
Top Doctors 2016: Allergy & Immunology
These practitioners focus on disorders involving the immune system. Garrison H. Ayars, M.D., asthma, allergy, occupational lung disease; Allergy & Asthma Associates, 1200 112th Ave. NE, Suite C-210, Bellevue, 425.454.2191; Overlake Hospital Medical Center; University of Washington, 1976 Mary Lisa Farrington, M.D., pediatric allergy and immunology, immune deficiency, food allergy; Virginia Mason Medical Center, Allergy…
Top Doctors 2016: Addiction Psychiatry
This subspecialty within psychiatry focuses on diagnosing and treating substance abuse and addiction.Steven M. Juergens,** M.D., addiction/substance abuse, alcohol abuse, drug abuse; 11201 SE Eighth St., Suite 105, Bellevue, 425.454.0255; Overlake Hospital Medical Center; Mayo Medical School, 1979Andrew J. Saxon, M.D., addiction/substance abuse, opiate addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder; VA Puget Sound Health Care System–Seattle Division,…

Mental Health Providers and Primary Care Teams Share Patients
UW program brings mental health and primary care medicine together under one roof
Mental health issues such as depression are closely tied to physical health conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, say behavioral health specialists, yet patients are far more likely to treat physical woes separately from mental ones. According to the University of Washington’s Advancing Integrated Mental Health Solutions (AIMS) Center, just half of the…

Introducing TigerOak’s Latest Publication, ‘Seattle Luxury Living’
The mag focuses on Seattle’s Chinese newcomers, visitors and investors
One of the most talked-about developments in our community over the past year has been the influx of Chinese residents—and investors—into the city. It’s a topic we explored last January, in a story about how purchases of both commercial and residential real estate are changing Seattle’s and the Eastside’s landscape and neighborhoods. Last September’s visit…

Brimmer & Heeltap’s Delish Garlic-flavored Tapioca Chips
If you love pork rinds, then you've got to try these chips from Brimmer & Heeltap
If you like fried pork rinds, you have to try the tapioca puff chips ($6) at Brimmer & Heeltap, the Ballard bistro known for its inventive, Korean-inspired fare. Executive chef Mike Whisenhunt’s version may be vegan, but it’s every bit as savory and crunchy (read: addictive) as the piggy kind. He fries dehydrated, garlic-flavored tapioca…

Headlight Mobile App Shines Light on Urban Planning Dilemmas
A bright idea out of UW is changing the construction of Seattle’s infrastructure
As Seattleites breathe a collective groan over Bertha’s continually delayed drilling beneath the city, Westlake-based Pavia Systems (paviasystems.com) broke new ground in urban planning with the launch of HeadLight last year. Created by a team led by University of Washington alums Si Katara and George White, HeadLight is a mobile project-inspection platform offering technological solutions…

Seattle’s Latest Romantic Restaurant, Ernest Loves Agnes, is Lovely
The new eatery in the former Kingfish spot is laced with literary influences and lovely pastas
What defines a romantic restaurant? Candlelight and tablecloths? Cheesy. Soft music? Yawn. Nowadays, it’s more about telling a story; using intimate spaces, thought-provoking art and, of course, delicious, memorable food to create a meaningful mood. Ernest Loves Agnes, the 49-seat Italian restaurant (formerly Kingfish Cafe) on North Capitol Hill, achieves this beautifully. The name refers…

Freezing and Preserving Fertile Eggs for Future Pregnancies
Advancements made in reproduction
A woman’s fertility begins to decrease at age 30, according to Pacific NW Fertility. By age 40, the chance of spontaneous pregnancy is less than half of what it was at age 30. That’s why increasing numbers of women are opting to keep their childbearing options open by preserving their eggs. Called elective fertility preservation,…

A Discussion About Depression
Recent local high-profile suicides compel us to ask, what can we do about depression?
n his “The Myth of Sisyphus” essay, French philosopher Albert Camus calls suicide “the only serious philosophical problem.” Philosophy’s search for meaning in life comes to a sharp halt when life is deemed unlivable. And like many gravely serious problems, suicide is one we’d rather not talk about. In his “The Myth of Sisyphus” essay,…
Top Doctors 2016: Pediatric Urology
Mark W. Burns, M.D., hypospadias, undescended testes, hernia; Seattle Children’s Hospital, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, 206.987.2509; Seattle Children’s; University of Washington, 1979 Paul A. Merguerian, M.D., bladder exstrophy, genital reconstruction, minimally invasive surgery; Seattle Children’s Hospital, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, 206.987.2509; Seattle Children’s, UW Medical Center; The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical…
Top Doctors 2016: Pediatric Surgery
Stephanie Acierno, M.D., pediatric surgery; Mary Bridge Children’s Health Center, Pediatric Surgery, 311 S L St., Tacoma, 253.403.4613; Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital; University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1999 Adam B. Goldin, M.D., pediatric tumors, neonatal surgery, laparoscopic surgery; Seattle Children’s Hospital, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, 206.987.2794; Seattle Children’s, UW Medical Center; Rush University,…