January/February 2023

Heartbeat: Why Your Spouse Should Be More like a Dog
We could all learn loyalty, love and understanding
As many of you know, I am considered a relationship expert, and from time to time, I like to write a column about the discoveries that keep happening as I listen in and give feedback to couples and singles about love. But for this column, I want to talk about what I think may be…

Most Influential, Sports: Brian Robinson
He's been fighting to bring the NBA back to Seattle for 15 years. His work may soon finally pay off.
Brian Robinson is one of Seattle’s 25 most influential people reshaping our region. #mostinfluential Brian Robinson never wore a Sonics uniform. Former Sonics announcer Kevin Calabro never used his signature phrase “Good golly, Miss Molly” to describe Robinson’s crossover dribble, arcing jump shot or spin move. Yet you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone in Seattle…

Most Influential, Equity: Pearl Jam
The band’s charitable work is just as impressive as its musical output
Pearl Jam is among Seattle’s 25 most influential changemakers reshaping our region. #mostinfluential The Vitalogy Foundation, Pearl Jam’s charitable arm, has an organic approach to giving, with all band members supporting their chosen projects as well as collectively deciding which organizations and causes to fund. So, when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a woman’s right…

Letter to Seattle: Acts On Stage Opens Minds
Acts on Stage challenges white Seattle
Image caption: Acts On Stage supporter Jess Bielman, left, with Leroy Barber, praises the nonprofit for opening his mind. Letter to Seattle highlights the good deeds and positive experiences in our region. This is a letter from Jess Bielman, a patron of Acts on Stage, a nonprofit, professional theater company in Seattle that emphasizes people…

Most Influential, Arts: Stevie Shao
The Seattle muralist and illustrator understands the power of public art
Stevie Shao is one of Seattle’s 25 most influential people reshaping our region. #mostinfluential When the Covid-19 pandemic started, Stevie Shao had never painted a mural. By the time Washington state lifted its lockdown order 15 months later, Shao had become one of the most in-demand public artists and illustrators in Seattle. What started as…

Most Influential, Arts: Tom Skerritt
Tom Skerritt remains more committed than ever to the creative economy in the Northwest
Tom Skerritt is one of Seattle’s 25 most influential people reshaping our region. #mostinfluential Fans were understandably disappointed to learn that Tom Skerritt wasn’t asked to reprise his role as Commander Mike “Viper” Metcalf in “Top Gun 2.” “You can’t beat Tom Skerritt with a gun,” wrote one fan on Twitter. Skerritt has said that…

The Pursuit of Nobility: Interview with Lenny Wilkens
One of Seattle’s greatest sports icons eyes return of NBA
On a recent edition of three-time Emmy-award winning sports TV talk show “Pardon The Interruption,” cohost Michael Wilbon heaped lavish praise on NBA legend and Seattle icon Lenny Wilkens in celebration of his 85th birthday. Wilbon noted that he’s a “basketball Hall of Famer three times over” [as a player, coach and assistant coach of…

New auditorium, better BMX track and a greener Seattle
Casket Case Bellevue company’s product featured in Taylor Swift video Social media absolutely lost it after a casket manufactured by Bellevue-based Titan Casket was featured in American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift’s recent “Anti-Hero” music video. Tweets and Instagram posts from Swift’s fans about the casket have generated tens of thousands of likes and retweets, resulting in…

Back Page: Seattle’s Summer of Turmoil
Rioters descend on University District for several nights
The summer of 1969 was a time of significant unrest for the entire nation, and Seattle was no exception. In August of that year, thousands of teenagers from across Seattle rioted in the University District for several nights. Writing in Historylink.org, authors Alan J. Stein and Walt Crowley noted that “promptly at 10 p.m. [on…

Book Excerpt: Marmots May Be Running Out of Time
New book explores endangered species in Pacific Northwest
In her debut as a book author, Josephine Woolington turns back the clock to examine events that have shaped Pacific Northwest wildlife in an effort to provide a deeper sense of place for those who call this unique and beautiful region home. Where We Call Home: Lands, Seas, and Skies of the Pacific Northwest sheds…

Publisher’s Note: The True Seattle Influencers
Forget social media. These are the real heroes.
In-flu-ence /ˈinflo͝oəns/. The power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways. An emanation of spiritual or moral force. An ethereal fluid held to flow from the stars and to affect the actions of humans. With all the attention on “influencers” on social media, I think we’ve lost the true meaning of…

Sagecliffe Offers Some Welcome Sunshine
Sagecliffe Resort and Spa unites people and nature
For savvy Seattleites, the secret is out: Winter snowbirds in search of sunshine don’t have to fly south in winter — they can also drive east. A quick trip over Snoqualmie Pass opens a world of possibilities for vitamin D-deprived city dwellers, from Suncadia to Spokane. For turnkey sun and relaxation just two-and-a-half hours away,…