July/August 2022

Washington’s Craft Breweries: Our Pint Runneth Over
Craft brewers keep the kettles cooking
Those who want to enjoy a cold craft beer in Washington state have no shortage of options. The state has 437 craft breweries, according to the 2021 report from the Brewers Association. This trade group based in Boulder, Colorado, represents small and independent craft brewers across the United States. That’s up significantly from 2011, when…

Seattle Artifacts: The Spotify of its Day
The Multiphone was Puget Sound’s first streaming music service
Deep in the heart of Seattle’s Georgetown neighborhood sits a turn-of-the-century brick building that was originally used as horse stables for a nearby racetrack. Its restored interior now serves as a museum of sorts, with an eclectic mishmash of antique coin-operated machines, vintage signs and old Seattle memorabilia. The curator of this unique collection is…

My Day at the Naked Spa
Otherworldly experience creates an overwhelming rush of emotions
It’s 12:20 p.m. I’m lying naked, face down on a waterproof massage table in Lynnwood. There’s a woman wearing gloves exfoliating my entire body. She starts with my legs, makes her way up my back and down my arms. There’s another woman lying naked on the table next to me. The woman scrubbing me tells…

Art Off The Chart
Two cities stand out for their art purchases
Bellevue art lovers gravitate toward oil paintings. Those in Seattle tend to favor sea and sky landscapes. Regardless of taste, Bellevue and Seattle residents both rank in the top 10 nationwide for their art-buying proclivities, based on the number of artworks sold per 100,000 residents. Bellevue is No. 4 and Seattle No. 10, according to…

Music By The People, For The People
Cultural Space Agency leads community acquisitions
In what’s been dubbed a blow against gentrification and displacement, the Cultural Space Agency – a “mission-driven, values-based” development company chartered by the city of Seattle – and internet radio station RainierAvenueRadio world have acquired the Columbia City Theater and the connected Bourbon Bar for use as a community-owned cultural space. The $3.2 million acquisition…

Wines with Zip to Sip
From the pool to the campfire, enjoy these warm-weather beverages
During the precious warmer months in Seattle, let’s admit that it’s all a little too easy to flick the tab on a tallboy of Elysian Space Dust IPA when the thirst for an adult beverage strikes. It’s lazy, but not all of us have the air conditioning — or motivation — to put forth much…

Home Life: A Wrinkle in Time
If only this Magnolia home could talk
The Bacon family had spent six months slogging to unimpressive open houses around Seattle when, in October 2017, they finally stumbled on a hillside gem in Magnolia. It was designed by a prolific architect who loved the home so much that he spent the last 55 years of his life there. Lisa Bacon knew their budget…

Life On the Run
‘Running With Purpose’ details Jim Weber’s journey as CEO of Brooks Running
Seattle’s iconic Brooks Running Co. was once on the brink of ruin. CEO Jim Weber, however, never lost hope in what he calls the “positive power of the run.” Weber, who joined Brooks as CEO in 2001, engineered an aggressive turnaround. Now a stand-alone subsidiary of Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Brooks has been on…

Publisher’s Note: Don’t Let The Bad Guys Win
Channel that fear and anger into something positive
Recently a colleague told me he was very afraid of everything going wrong in our country. He said he was so upset that he needed to take time off from work. SCOTUS. Reversals. Denial. Insurrections. Some of us are justifiably afraid, while others are downright angry. As it turns out, it’s good to be angry….

The Pete of the Moment
Pete Carroll is relying on everything he’s learned as he enters a new phase
7:29 a.m.: A Wednesday morning, early June and Pete Carroll sits behind the desk in his second-floor office. To his left, a view of Lake Washington. To his right, three large televisions are mounted on the far wall, tuned to CNN, MSNBC and FOX News. Only the CNN sound is on, and it’s competing with…

Sizzling Seattle Suburbia
This city is the most popular housing market in the country
A Seattle suburb perhaps best-known for its wine, tourism and recreation has notched another big achievement as the most popular housing market in the United States. An analysis of more than 1,000 cities by Seattle-based online residential marketplace Zillow finds that Woodinville tops a list of the 10 most spendy suburban areas based on page-view…

Teen Spirit
Shining the spotlight on girl entrepreneurs
Kate Isler and Susan Gates launched TheWMarketplace with a simple purpose in mind: to support women-owned and “gender-balanced” businesses. It now features products from more than 550 women entrepreneurs. Currently in partnership with The Startup Squad, Seattle-based TheWMarketplace has launched a teen seller collection to fuel the next generation of women entrepreneurs. The initial collection…