March 2014

Ayron Jones to Open for B.B. King Plus More Spring Music Events
Ayron Jones is shaking up the Seattle music scene
!–paging_filter–pLike the very best rock ’n’ rollers, Seattle musician Ayron Jones seems just slightly unhinged when he performs live—as if at any moment the music might carry him to a place even he didn’t know he was heading. With a voice that swerves between soulful runs and growly shouts, and an ability to seriously wail…

Seattle Spring Arts Preview 2014: Dance Events
These dance performances delve into the good, bad, beautiful and bracing aspects of being human
!–paging_filter–pSiddhartha’s quest for enlightenment is the inspiration for Songs of the Wanderers, a masterwork by Taiwanese choreographer Lin Hwai-min. Performed by his own Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, this blend of contemporary and traditional dance features a stunning set covered in 3 and a half tons of golden rice. 3/6–3/8. Times and prices vary….

Spring Arts Preview 2014: Visual Arts Events
Painters, photographers and sculptors work visual magic
!–paging_filter–pstrong[Painting]/strongbrBorn in Astoria, Oregon, and based in northern California, painter Eric Zener is a master of the photorealist style, creating stunningly vibrant images, often of people underwater (pictured above) or in other personal sanctuaries. 5/1–5/30. Times vary. Free. Foster White Gallery, 220 Third Ave. S; 206.622.2833;a href=”” target=”_blank” brbr /iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//” frameborder=”0″…

New Art Installation at Olympic Sculpture Park Begins This Week
A look at what's to come in dance, theater, music, literature and visual arts
!–paging_filter–pDing-dong, spring calling! Time to crawl out of hibernation, take a deep breath and plunge into Seattle’s performance, literary and visual arts. Out of town artists shower us with gifts this season (a giant white head, a dance floor covered with 3 and a half tons of golden rice, a parable of apartheid), and hometown…

Seattle Neighborhoods: What Does Your ZIP Code Say About You?
Here we present a snapshot of Seattle, as told through the lens of the postal code
!–paging_filter–pIn this era of email, ZIP codes may seem passé, gone the way of scented stationery, a postal relic destined for irrelevance (Amazon Sunday delivery notwithstanding). But in neighborhood-loving Seattle, a survey of ZIP codes tells an illuminating story of togetherness. In some city ZIPs, like-minded neighborhoods abut each other like peas in a pod;…

Nancy Guppy Interviews Acclaimed Poets Christine Deavel and J.W. Marshall
Nancy Guppy waxes poetic with Christine Deavel and J.W. Marshall
!–paging_filter–pOwners of Wallingford’s longstanding “poem emporium,” Open Books (, romantic and business partners J.W. Marshall and Christine Deavel are also acclaimed poets. This month they’ll read together for Seattle Arts Lectures (3/19, 7:30 p.m.; a href=”” target=”_blank” /strongA Muddy Cup in Wallingford, on a mild January daybrstrongDRINKS:/strong John, a latte (and cheese Danish); Christine, tea…

How Knute Berger Regained his Neighborhood Pride
This third-generation Seattleite admits to a little ZIP code chagrin
!–paging_filter–pWhen I tell people I live in Madison Park, I frequently have the urge to qualify it by saying something like, “I’m doing my best to bring down the demographics.” brbrThere’s no doubt about it, I live in a part of town that is white, rich and a shade more conservative than Seattle political norms….

What’s Behind the Big Changes at KUOW
The programming shake-up at KUOW-FM: savvy new strategy or retrenching in an unwinnable war?
!–paging_filter–pLast October, the morning rituals of stay-at-home parents, telecommuters, taxi drivers, students and everyone who regularly relied on KUOW-FM 94.9 to anchor the day were disrupted. The extended caller-driven confabs on gardening and home maintenance were gone. No more long-form, meandering conversations with public officials or winding interviews with poets, authors, artists and historians. No…

Washington State Distillers Embrace American Single Malt Whiskey
With resources ripe for the making, local distillers embrace American single malt whiskey
!–paging_filter–pWhen someone says “single malt” in conversation at the bar, the vast majority of people tend to think of single malt Scotch whiskey made on a romantic craggy landscape in Scotland. But there’s a groundswell of new American-made single malt whiskeys showing up on shelves, and thanks to the passion of local distillers—at press time…

It’s Prime Time to Fish for Spring-Run Chinook Salmon
Where to catch the season’s first run of salmon—and a meal fit for a king
!–paging_filter–pMarch is the time to plan a pilgrimage in honor of Northwest royalty. Spring-run chinook salmon—known as spring kings, or springers—are pushing up the lower Columbia River right now, headed for spawning grounds and hatcheries upstream. Like a href=”http://\/\/…“other salmon species/a, they won’t spawn until the fall—nor will they feed—which means these early-returning fish must…
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