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Local Homes For Sale on Cul-de-Sacs

For reduced traffic and more privacy, get in the sac

By Erika Almanza Brown February 25, 2014


This article originally appeared in the March 2014 issue of Seattle magazine.

!–paging_filter–pThe cul-de-sac—icon of suburbia—has fallen out of favor with urban planners seeking greater connections between neighborhoods and transit-friendly throughways. For car-eschewing, density-seeking millennials, they are a punch line. But houses tucked away on cul-de-sacs (and their accidental cousins, dead-end streets) are still a big draw—often selling at a premium—for buyers seeking less street traffic, and the accompanying quiet and privacy. You’ll find plenty of engineered, bulb-shaped turnarounds north of 85th Street in Seattle and all across the Eastside.nbsp; brbra href=”” target=”_blank”strongBOTHELL (NORWAY HILL)/strong/abrstrongPrice: /strong$1,000,000brstrongSquare footage: /strong3,300; 4 bedrooms, 2.75 bathsbrstrongProperty size: /strong1.53 acresbrstrongProperty taxes:/strong $10,101brstrongYear built:/strong 2001brstrongBonus feature:/strong Architect-designed home at the end of a cul-de-sac, 800 square feet of outdoor entertaining areabrstrongListed:/strong October 2013strongbrbr/strongstrongimg src=”/sites/default/files/newfiles/0314_realestate_broadview.jpg” style=”float: left; margin: 10px;” height=”266″ width=”400″/stronga href=”…” target=”_blank”strongBROADVIEW/strong/abrstrongPrice:/strong $650,000brstrongSquare footage:/strong 2,790; 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathsbrstrongProperty size: /strong7,620 square feetbrstrongProperty taxes:/strong $4,945brstrongYear built:/strong 1942brstrongBonus:/strong Very private lot on a dead-end streetbrstrongListed:/strong September 2012/p
pa href=”” target=”_blank”strongbrbrBELLEVUE (LAKEMONT)/strong/a img src=”/sites/default/files/newfiles/0314_realestate_lakemont.jpg” style=”float: right; margin: 10px;” height=”266″ width=”400″brstrongPrice: /strong$898,800brstrongSquare footage: /strong3,520; 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathsbrstrongProperty size:/strong 8,780 square feetbrstrongProperty taxes: /strong$7,904brstrongYear built:/strong 1999brstrongBonus feature: /strongEnd of cul-de-sac and high above the street; fully fenced backyard and greenbelt behindbrstrongListed:/strong October 2013/p


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