Love & Wisdom
Moxie on Monday: Turning Resistance Into Your Greatest Ally
It all begins with just one small step
By Catherine Grace O’Connell December 2, 2024

What if I told you the thing you fear most — the thing you avoid, procrastinate over, or place firmly on the back burner, is the exact thing you’re meant to do? Sounds counterintuitive, right? Yet, as Steven Pressfield so eloquently explores in The War of Art, resistance isn’t the barrier to success. It’s the ultimate roadmap.
Resistance usually shows up whenever something truly matters to us. It whispers, “Not today,” “Who do you think you are?” or “This is too hard.” Resistance is sly, the ultimate gaslighter, and it wears many disguises: perfectionism, distraction, self-doubt. But what if we stopped seeing resistance as a roadblock and began viewing it as a signpost directing us toward our purpose?
Ponder this. The areas of your life where you feel the greatest resistance are the ones with the highest potential for growth. Want to write a book? Start a new career? Share your art with the world? Resistance will rear its head, because those are the things that matter most, and they involve change. If it didn’t matter, there wouldn’t be resistance.
How does one overcome resistance? Don’t fight it. Lean into it. Yes, lean in. Feel it. Examine it. Head straight on into it and through it. Let it show you the places where you’re hiding from your very own greatness. Resistance is a gift and a powerful compass toward your highest self.
Imagine resistance as your personal training partner in the gym of life. It builds your strength and sharpens your resolve. Every time you push through the discomfort, you grow stronger. Every time you ignore resistance, you stay exactly where you are. You subconsciously buy into “I can’t.” Research backs this up. Every time you overcome resistance, your willpower, confidence, and self-worth strengthen.
Here’s the trick. Leaning into resistance doesn’t mean tackling it all at once. Start small. Think baby steps, not Bigfoot! Take one step forward, even if it’s imperfect. If you’re procrastinating on writing a novel, sit down and write one sentence. If you’re scared to launch a new business, make a phone call, do some research, or sketch out an idea. The moment you act, resistance starts to lose its grip.
There’s magic in movement. Resistance thrives on stagnation. It wants you to keep you in your comfort zone, to keep things predictable and safe. Status quo is resistance’s best friend. But life’s greatest joys don’t come from playing it safe. They come from stepping into the unknown and discovering who you’re meant to become.
So, today, I invite you to look resistance in the eye and say, “I see you.” Thank it for showing you the path for your greatest potential. Then take one small, courageous step forward.
Mondays have a bad rap. And together, we are going to reframe that day into your catalyst for the week. This Monday is the day we embrace resistance, and turn it into a compass for the week. Let’s set an intention for the week ahead: Resistance will no longer stop us. It will guide us.
The life you want, the dreams you hold, and the goals you’ve been afraid to chase — they’re all waiting for you. And the resistance you feel? It’s just the door. Give it a nudge and allow it to open.
Here’s to making Monday the best day of the week — the day we choose courage over comfort and growth over fear. This is your sign to lean into resistance. Your greatness is on the other side.
You’ve got this.
Stay tuned for part two next Monday, and how I overcame resistance during one of the most challenging times of my life and began making some of my biggest dreams come true.
About Moxie on Monday
Catherine Grace O’Connell is chief executive cat-alyst of her female-focused digital media agency MODLife Media and an expert on becoming ageless in mind, body, and spirit. She has more than 30 years of study and experience in natural wellness, mindfulness, meditation and fitness. She is also the founder of Ageless In Seattle, a heart-centered community for women of all ages. You can follow her on her website CatherineGraceO, Instagram @catherinegraceo, and Tiktok @catherinegraceo