Love & Wisdom
Shot Sherpas Reap Rewards
Caddies receive $125K scholarships
By Rob Smith August 6, 2024

This article originally appeared in the July/August 2024 issue of Seattle magazine.
“JUST BE THE BALL. Be the ball. Be the ball.”
OK, it’s not exactly Caddyshack, but the spirit of scholarships for caddies is alive and well in Washington state. Five Seattle residents have received the Western Golf Association’s Chick Evans Scholarship, a full, four-year housing and tuition scholarship for golf caddies. The scholarships are valued at an estimated $125,000 apiece over four years.
The five caddies are Elias Assalif, Blen Assegid, El- Shaddai Fessehatsion, Jack Sundberg, and Iris Too. The program is based around academics, financial need, and a “strong caddie” record.
Nationwide, about 340 caddies received scholarships. There are currently 1,130 scholars attending 24 universities across the country, and more than 12,040 alumni.