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Embracing AI

Washington residents gravitate toward artificial intelligence

By Rob Smith August 23, 2023

Artificial intelligence

This article originally appeared in the July/August 2023 issue of Seattle magazine.

Perhaps you’re caught up in the craze to generate AI supervillain images of all 50 states. Maybe you’re using AI to showcase the outdoor beauty of Washington state.

If so, you’re not alone. State residents are using AI at such a robust pace that Washington ranks No. 3 in the United States in a study measuring the use of the technology.

AI-driven website builder YACSS examined Google search data during the past 12 months and found that state residents use AI first for art, followed by voice generation, music, animation, and résumé writing. Washington has an average of 187 searches for every 100,000 residents.

Utah ranked No. 1, followed by Oregon. States in the Southeast U.S. rounded out the bottom five. 

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