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Top Doctors 2015: Endocrinology/Metabolism

By Seattle Mag July 1, 2015

These specialists are concerned with the thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands, among others, as well as nutritional disorders, sexual disorders and problems such as diabetes and hypertension. Endocrinologists are also internal medicine specialists Molly J. Carlson,** M.D., diabetes, thyroid disease, pituitary, adrenal and ovarian disorders; The Polyclinic, Madison Center, 904 Seventh Ave., Seattle, 206.860.4790; Polyclinic…

This article originally appeared in the July 2015 issue of Seattle magazine.

These specialists are concerned with the thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands, among others, as well as nutritional disorders, sexual disorders and problems such as diabetes and hypertension. Endocrinologists are also internal medicine specialists

Molly J. Carlson,** M.D., diabetes, thyroid disease, pituitary, adrenal and ovarian disorders; The Polyclinic, Madison Center, 904 Seventh Ave., Seattle, 206.860.4790; Polyclinic Northgate, 11011 Meridian Ave. N, Suite 200, Seattle, 206.329.1760; Swedish Medical Center, Northwest Hospital & Medical Center; University of Washington, 2002

Anthony (Abe) DeSantis, M.D., pituitary disorders, metabolic bone disease, diabetes mellitus; The Endocrine and Diabetes Care Center, 4245 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, 206.598.4882; Neurological Surgery Clinic at Harborview, 908 Jefferson St., fifth floor, Seattle, 206.520.5000; UW Medical Center, Harborview Medical Center; Albany Medical College, 1993

R. Alan Failor, M.D., pituitary disorders, endocrine tumors, adrenal disorders; UW Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinic, 4245 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, 206.598.6288; UW Pituitary Center, 325 Ninth Ave., Seattle, 206.744.9331; Endocrine Neoplasia Clinic, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, 825 Eastlake Ave. E, Seattle, 206.288.7611; UW Medical Center, Harborview Medical Center; Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 1977

Shannon Heitritter, M.D., thyroid dysfunction, parathyroid disease and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS); The Polyclinic, Madison Center, 904 Seventh Ave., Seattle, 206.860.2385; Swedish Medical Center; Harvard University, 2000

Irl B. Hirsch,* M.D., diabetes, general endocrinology; Diabetes Care Center, UW Medical Center, 4245 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, 206.598.4882; UW Medical Center; University of Missouri, 1984

Joohee Kim, M.D., Seattle Endocrinology, 1130 N 185th St., Suite 201, Shoreline, 206.542.1000; Northwest Hospital & Medical Center; Yonsei University, South Korea, 1991

Grace Lee, M.D., thyroid disorders, diabetes, endocrinology/metabolism; Virginia Mason Medical Center, 1100 Ninth Ave., Seattle, 206.223.6620; Virginia Mason; Cornell University, 1998

Jonathan Stoehr, M.D., Ph.D., diabetes, metabolism/obesity, general endocrinology; Virginia Mason Medical Center, Lindeman Building, 1201 Terry Ave., Seattle, 206.223.6881; Virginia Mason Bainbridge Island Medical Center, 380 Winslow Way E, Bainbridge Island, 206.842.5632; Virginia Mason; University of Wisconsin, 2004

Endocrinology, pediatric

Catherine M. Pihoker, M.D., division chief, Endocrinology; diabetes; Seattle Children’s Hospital, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, 206.987.2000; Seattle Children’s; Thomas Jefferson University, 1984

Craig E. Taplin, M.D., type 1 diabetes, growth and thyroid disorders; Seattle Children’s Hospital, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, 206.987.2000; Seattle Children’s; University of New South Wales, Sydney, 1997


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