The North Cascades Institute’s Learning Center Is for the Birds
Head to the woods and bring your binocs for a weekend of migration and song.
By Jana Moseley May 12, 2011

WHERE: The North Cascades Institute’s Learning Center, which offers a plethora of educational and inspiring nature programs amid the mountains, glaciers and rivers of the North Cascades. WHY: To partake in the migration and song: spring birding weekend (6/3–6/5; $215–$455, lodging included;, featuring local avian experts who teach visiting bird enthusiasts about Clark’s nutcrackers, meadowlarks and Bullock’s orioles spied in the trees. (Binoculars are provided.) SIDE TRIP: Extend your stay at the nearby Colonial Creek Campground, in the Ross Lake National Recreation Area, where you can explore the gorgeous surroundings via numerous hiking trails, or BYO canoe and fishing gear to make full use of the lake. GETTING THERE: Head north on Interstate 5 to State Route 20 East (exit 230). Drive approximately 65 miles and watch for signs at milepost 127.5.